The Storied Human (What is your Story?)

How Karma overcame her karma! Spiritual advisor, podcast host now helps many people heal

Lynne Thompson

Go ahead and text me!

It was so great to talk to Karma Reese and hear about how she went from a tragic younger life to a powerful, healed one. Podcast personality, workshop presenter, and spiritual channeler, Karma uses all her energy to help guide and heal people.

Karma has not let anything stop her from becoming her best self and it is inspiring to hear her story. Her goal is to help as many people as she can.

You can find out more about her services at:
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Her podcast is called  "The Karma of it all" -- Find it on Spotify:
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Original music "Saturday Sway" by Brendan Talian (for interviews)

Hello, and welcome to The Storied Human. I'm Lynne Thompson. And I'm really excited today because I get to interview Karma Reese. She's a pretty impressive woman who has. She's a self-improvement speaker. She's a podcast host personality. She has her own podcast called Karmplexity. She actually does wear a lot of hats. So I can't wait to hear about how she got involved in all this. What she really enjoys about it and her journey because we that we're all about the story on the Storied Human.  So welcome karma. It's great to have you here.
Hey, how are you doing? I'm glad to be here. Beautiful Saturday morning. Yes, yeah. It's really good and going on, you're in. Good. I
just had an interview before you and it was really inspiring.  He ran when he was in high school. And now he found himself like, super busy doing all this stuff. And he got into something called. I want to say it right? Just Oh, Spartan. The Spartan. Spartan challenges. Yeah. So it's like, you are
no, no, a high school graduate.
Oh, that's so cool. Yeah. So it's almost like army training. He said, there's like barbed wire and mud. And it's like one of those really rough, you know, crazy, but But it's great. And so from there, he just, he just continued and trained. And I think when people tell that kind of story, it inspires people like me to be more active and just inspires other people to do stuff. Maybe they they never tried. So I love talking to that. I love everybody's story. But I super love when somebody does something inspirational like that, and then chooses to tell other people because he has an inspired to run podcast and he tells other people. So it sounds like you're like that to like you sharing?
I am at my aunt's matter of fact, my model is each one teach one. So yeah, that's my motto obey it.
That's the sweetness part. You know, like, it's great to learn stuff and you feel good doing it. But when you can share it. That's the icing on the cake. Once a year all about you know how to yourself, right? Well, I always say also, when you go through difficulties, right? My whole thing is like, Why did I go through it if I can't share it and help someone else? Because maybe they don't have to go through it as bad as I did. You know? And it makes you it makes you feel better. So I met you on one of those really cool podcast groups. Why don't you tell me how you got started with your podcasts? I love this
thing. Okay, so I got started with podcasting way back, I think, like 2016 17 I'm gonna say
early started, basically, yeah, it was just basically me
venting. Because I had no one to talk to. I'm kind of one of those people that you call a loner. I keep to myself, so I really didn't have too many people to talk to. So I was like, Okay, so let's go into a podcast, or I get a personal podcast, just telling my story. They didn't, I started thinking, um, these stories are going to be useful for my kids, my grandkids and after that, you know, so they, you know, you know about my life, it then I started getting into, well, why don't I teach people what I do. You know, at the time, I was a virtual assistant. So, I help people get, you know, I help people with their business, virtually. And I would give them 15 minutes of tips. Well, and now, in 2022, I decided to go ahead and open up a podcast that's called the karma of it all. The reason for that podcast was because I had went through a divorce. And I had to talk, I had more stuff to say to somebody. So I started doing podcasting in 2022. And the karma withdrawal had been going on since then. What I do is I interview some people about their traumatic, karmic and real hectic relationships that they got out. And listening. Like you said earlier listening to their story could help someone else get out of their situation. So that's my number one main thing, and then I started to tone it down to where I give five tips weekly. If you're trying to heal from a karmic toxic or traumatic situation relationships, and relationships abroad, relationships are for work, you know, family, friends, however you want to put it relationship With people period, so that was my my goal. And that's how I got started. I now have I'm still going right now we're on a vacation. We gotta, um, I know that we can have a vacation, and then we'll be back.
Nice. It's good to take a break. Yeah, I, I switched mine to every other week, and I feel so relieved during the summer, you know, it's just, it's a little hard to do it every week and come up with enough people. And I do so those two I've had to because I just didn't have enough interviews. I love the five tips thing. I think that's so cool. Because people don't have a lot of time, but you can give a lot of good information in five tips. That is really cool. So I love also that you evolved like you went through the divorce, you're going to use that to help people. I just like your approach. So you started off in like 2016 or 2017. And then you added a podcast in 2022. Do you have a third one did you say
I do. My third one is basically Earth messenger number 47. And that podcast is pretty much about I get channeled messages. I am also a tarot reader. I am a spiritualist Empath, clairvoyant. clairaudient. I'm born LIS
surprised. really sensitive.
To help people I do. A week oh, every two weeks bi weekly reading and I do every Tuesday. I do a love readings just general, just so people can get clarity in what situation they're in. I do my sexcapades on Saturday. I know it's kind of you know, six. Is that all out there? Because you won't be a member to have sexcapades? Because that's something you know,
smart. But that's info that people need. So it's good. You're
doing nice. Yeah, exactly. So that's why I did my channeled messages, because the dreams and the constant coming to constant messages that I was receiving. I'm like, What am I supposed to do with this? And he was like, I need you to do reading and put it out there on the podcast. So I started that this year in January. And I just keep going, I keep going I keep going. The messages do not stop. It helps somebody.
So you opened like, it sounds like you opened a channel. And now you get messages all the time. When did that start?
Oh, when I was a baby baby. So
maybe say their whole life, right?
But we didn't I did not catch on to what everything worth until I was 44 years old. Then I realized what was going on around me that was not supposed to be going on but was supposed to be going on. So I can open my eyes and see what was going on. You see. So when I found that out, I really, really went into solitude, because it was a family that was really doing it. Like I said I had no friends. Only people I had was family. And when I found out what family was doing, I had to separate myself from that as well. So I do do a one on one and group workshops for people who are healing and coming out of situations such as like I was, I do that every quarter. Yeah, every quarter. So I do want that improving your like empowerment for you to improve yourself. And then I do one that is a healing workshop, that it only lasts a day and it just helps them. It helps you gain clarity in your healing or what you're supposed to be doing as you heal. But yes, I love to reach people and I love to help people. I sit on the phone a lot with people who have problems. And yeah, I love it.
You're like a natural healer you really are. Yeah. So when you were little like what was different for you? Did you hear or see baby girl?
Here at home, okay, so when I was young, okay, I was supposedly born with sickle cell anemia. I don't know if you even know what that is. It's the blood to do anemia. And when I hit 12 I ended up in a coma. I find that that coma was a reason for my karma. Because the long story I really don't want to go into it. But it was somebody that I was very really rude to and about a week later I ended up in a coma I lost my hearing in my left ear 80% of my hearing and my right ear and I came out of the coma with this scar on my arm here is a major scar on my arm. I know all the spiritual reasons for all of that but I it's people would be like what you Crazy,
fear. If you're really into spiritualism and you really believe in the other side, then you wouldn't have a problem with what I had to say. But yeah, I had to go. So I came into within I was in a family, my family, I hope they still my family, but um, they were, my parents were the Boris, there was abusive, you know, in a household and things like that. But I overcame all of that stuff. I did everything that I had to do. I had two beautiful kids. I have a 26 year old son who has to boy, he's a grin on my grandson's. I have a 16 year old daughter. So I did what everybody said I was supposed to do. And I made it up fine. Hold me back. And they already knew that I was going to be something. Yeah.
Yeah, you could tell. Right? So how long were you in the coma?
I was in a coma. I believe. My mother said it was two weeks. I spent six months in a hospital. I came out and I had to do a lot of I guess what they call a rehab. But I don't think that's what it was. Because the reason why I say that, because I ended up in a special using I don't know, most people have seen stranger thing. When she didn't that that building by herself. Yeah, no, he has the father and all that. That's kind of like what I had to go through. Well, being is like that. But they've kept saying that. Oh, we're just testing you to see if that none and I was testing me for some mills. I already know. But I can't really speak too much on it because it a lot. You know, but it was about two weeks that I was in the coma, that at least that's what my mother told me two weeks with
God. That's a long time. Now. How long were you in that special place the rehab.
That was about six months or so cuz they wanted to see what I knew how I seen what I saw, you know, didn't want to they was probing big time. So they wanted to get deep into Whoa, she was in a coma and then yeah, it was a lot. That's
that's a lot to go through. Now. How old were you when that happened? I was. Well, you were young. Oh my god. So you must have really related to Stranger Things because she was only 11. Girl. Yeah, you got the sweater child? Yes. I was crazy. No, no, I was crazy for that show. I totally get it. We were like hanging on every episode, my husband and I and we couldn't wait for it to come back. It's inspired. It's so fun. And it's so like, weird, but in a great way. Yeah. Yeah, I hear you. I hear you. So I see that you kind of brought it together. And you have these podcasts. You're very busy. And you're healing and helping people. What does that feel like? Like? What does your everyday feel like?
You good? I'm on my life purpose right now. All the time that my family and friends were laughing but family in the home was trying to keep me from speaking out about what happened to me. Cuz I ended up being molested and raped. I was, um, all that stuff happened
all sorry. No, that wasn't
even a six leaf. So all of that stuff happened to me. And I have to carry all this. I can't go to mom mom's like, Yeah, whatever. But an army she was a part of the cause, you know? So? Yeah. It's just a lot of stuff. But I keep persevering. And that is what they want to stop. Stop. You don't need to shut up. Oh, why? You know, I'm wondering with rebellious, rebellious child that gets the problem with a call me I'm very rebellion. You always rebelled against me? Because what you sent me right? You're telling me to shut up about something that happened to me. And when I said something, well, other women? Well, other women said the same thing happened at him. So that man had to go to prison. And you can't be mad at me because I have finally opened my mouth that made them want to open their mouth.
Don't kill the messenger. Right? Don't kill the messenger. That's so good that you that you help those women that they heard your message and that that awful man went to prison, because this stuff happens all the time. And women don't come forward. Good for you. So how did you get past that? Like, I'm amazed that your spirit as your your strength? Are you like me? Are you just stubborn? Like, I just won't give up? I just won't give up we will not.
I say I might even say, Man, I'm not gonna do this. Because I did 10 years. Can you I will the EBIT planner for 10 years. Every single event that I did, I had to do it on my own. I didn't get much help at all. And I was always in backup in a hospital because of the stress It was called the sickle cell crisis. But I always made sure that the event came popping out, you know, it always made it I'd be like, No, I'm not doing this. No Mo. And here we are another year later. Speaking of which, we have an event coming up. I always am gonna start, but then I never do because I feel like he was telling me, I need you to do this. I got other things to do. We got to do. We got other people we have to say, and we can't be sitting here not doing work. So I do it. And it makes me feel good. Because when I do it, people notice. And when they noticed, and they take heat, and they're like, oh, wow, that's something I thought about, but I couldn't really bring it to grad. But you helped me to see that, you know, and that right there. That's all the payment I need. I do not need big book, Think dollar bills, but your heart. Right. It's not materialistic. For me. It's all about love and unity and get teaching others so that the future will know. Yeah.
I had a hunch that you'd be a great interviewer. But you don't I have a little tip for you is that you need to put yourself out there in a different way. Maybe. I know, people were questioning you like, well, what's your, you know, I saw on the group people were like, well, what is your thing? Or what do you do? And you were like, a little bit like, Well, I do a lot of things. And I think it's wonderful. What you do, and I think you should name it. I think you should name it, because it's very powerful. What you do. And I just had a hunch that there was a good story there. It is.
Because I'm but yeah, I really wish I could I'm I wanna I want to get out more, I just need to get to my soul tribe.
Yeah, I just meant, like, if you would, like, I'm very intuitive. So I had a feeling that I would like you and that we could talk. But those other people just wanted to know a little bit more about what you do. And what you do is so powerful, that I might have, you know, how they say an elevator pitch, just like you said to me, like what you are, you know, like, just have a little pitch, because people need to hear what you have to say, you know, it's really important. And I totally agree with you, when you have the strength and the courage to speak out. You never know which one of your listeners needed to hear that. Like, that's what when you're compelled by spirit. That's why because someone's out there needing it so bad that message and you don't even know who you help, and you help a lot of people. So I feel like you're on the path. I feel like in spite of that terrible rough start, that somehow you found the courage to get on the path, the spiritual path that you're on now that there is quite a story. I don't even know the strength that you had to get through all that.
I make no move unless he tells him to period.
Yes, you're connected. Yep. I'm getting more like that. I think the problem is we're not taught that that's real. So when we're little we just discount stuff that happens, you know,
we depend on who has to take care of us exactly, we believe, right or wrong? You no
matter what, that's our reality. Yeah, very true. And my, in my family, I was raised pretty, you know, it was pretty normal, but not really, because my dad, you know, he drank, and that we just kind of accepted that. But now as I look back, because I'm older now, I say that really was tough, you know, and we just, that was our reality. And in my family, and believe me, I didn't identify this until recently, but in my family, it was, there was a lot of fear. You know, like, I always thought having your own business would be really cool. And my family would tell me stories about well, so and so had their own business, and they lost their shirt, and blah, blah, blah. And so I was raised like they're trying to protect you, right? They tell you that stuff because they're trying to protect you. But it's really like a scarcity failure mindset. Right? It's like, you can't do this, you know, we we're not the kind of people that can do this. And they don't understand. Like, I think what it took me this long to understand that failure is just the time to pivot to switch, you just keep going. Failure is a stepping stone along your path, right? It doesn't mean like my family kind of taught you like, well, you tried this thing and it didn't work. So don't give up. It's not for you. And that I never identified that and let that can really hold you back. Right? Yeah. I don't think you see things that way. I think you see, like, if it doesn't work exactly the way you think you're going to, you're going to channel more information, you're going to figure out where you should go and you just keep going.
That's it.
That's wonderful. So what's in the future for you? Do you feel like you have a sense of where you're going
in the future? I'm going to help more people. And I'm going to be doing a lot more traveling now. my comfort zone, my community start getting in other people's community. That's right. I've been going to invade your community. But yes, there is a lot more than a lot more teaching a lot more help that I need to be getting out there.
I see I see you doing bigger in person workshops. I think you're really inspirational. Yeah. And you got to you feel pulled to do that and probably pushed by your, by your channeling. Yep. Yeah. And that's, that's always good. Like to get that inspiration. So now, what are your kids think of all this?
My kids? Yeah. They love me. My dad have a little issue with I don't believe in the cards and I don't believe in me. Yeah. Are you ready? You ain't ready yet?
Exactly, exactly.
He's not ready yet. You haven't gotten his awakening yet? My daughter. We are weird, because my daughter can read my thoughts. And I can read her thoughts. She'll be at school one day in Israel come home. And I'd be like, so who said who said that? They turned in the wrong people. You might also be will you turn it around? No, it was my friend. And I was trying to help her not Oh, okay. I just want to know, so she can't get in trouble. You can't get in trouble.
I love that. I had a little bit of that with my own mom, we were like, I'm a receiver. Like, I often receive people's thoughts. And my mother like little things. My mother would be like stirring something for dinner. And I'd be like doing my homework in the dining room. And I would think, Gosh, I wonder what we're having for dinner. I would just think it my mother started answering it. She's like, thought, like, Mom, did you hear that? And I was like, I didn't say anything. Mom, I was just thinking it. And a lot of other things. Like I had dreams of my mother's childhood home. And I could describe it in detail. And she's like, how can you know that? Yeah, so there's a connection sometimes between children and, and the parent. Definitely that. And that was really great. But I lost my mom. Like, in my early 40s. And I had, you know, I had kids late, so I had little kids. So that was tough. But I've learned to turn that around to to help people. So I talk a lot about grief. Yeah, to get through it. What not to do, you know, because, you know, I like to be alone, too. But I was alone too much like I just your impulses to be by yourself, you know, like, sort of like a dog, you know, sits in the corner and looks their wounds. But that's not good. To get through grief. You got to force yourself to get out there and be with people. And so I think in healing myself, you know, I can help. Again, you want to help others you say, Well, I went through this, what's the point of going through this? If I can't tell people like, Hey, here's what I learned. That's, that's the complete cycle. Right? You just, you know, you just feel so much better that you shared it.
You do it the weight off your shoulders. I needed to say that, like if somebody got arrested, and they did the crime, and they kept saying, you know, you know, snitches get stitches, blah, blah, blah. But then they finally let it loose and be like, oh, oh, that felt good.
Yeah, it there's nothing like that. There's nothing like when you help someone with what you learned. And that is, I really think you're on a mission. And I really liked it. So is there anything else you want to tell my listeners anything else you want them to know?
Well, you know, if you're interested, check me out on the podcast is the karma of it all. We all about each one, teach one here because you have to remain true to yourself. Don't leave out the teaching and then you turn it to somebody, you got to remain true to what you do you and check out the other podcast which is birth messenger number 47. And I am all over social media as complexity KRMPLEX i t y. And why is that because complexity. Life is full of karma. And it can be confusing.
Complex. That's so good. I'll put that in the show notes. And I can't thank you enough for sharing with me. It was really cool.
No problem. I appreciate being on the show. Yeah, it
was really good.
It picked to connect with people who are like minded. You know,
it's amazing how that happens too. Because you never know. You know, you never really know who's actually a lot like you which is cool. 

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