The Storied Human (What is your Story?)
Humans have been telling each other stories since before writing. Around fires, looking up at the stars, human beings found comfort and connection through imagination and stories.
I'm Lynne Thompson -- Tech Writer, rising Voice Actor, and podcaster! I have always loved hearing people's stories, especially when they have overcome something, and then share it with the rest of us! So far the podcast has included stories on Overcoming Addiction, the Entrepreneur journey, Dealing with Mental Illness, Understanding Grief (and a few fairy tales thrown in there!).
There are plenty of spiritual moments humorous moments, and more. I have learned so much from my guests! Join me as I talk to real people with extraordinary stories! What is your story? I would love to hear it! Reach out to me at thestoriedhuman@gmail.com, or join our Facebook group!
Season 2025 Episode 3. Diagnosed with a pituitary disease, Risa decided to take an epic bike ride: what she learned along the way

Season 2025 Episode 1: Let Sean McMann teach you how to bust out of the corporate jungle!
Season 2025: Episode 2. Nonprofit worker Matt Kazdan explains how access to sustainable energy can help underprivileged populations

Season 2025 Episode 1: Let Sean McMann teach you how to bust out of the corporate jungle!
Season 5. Episode 8. Larry Jordan: From successful investment banker to spiritual seeker and teacher

Season 5. Episode 7. Ten Words to Explore and Live By with Lauryn Axelrod, Monk and InterSpiritual Teacher

Season 5. Episode 7. Heart Transplant Recipient Jay Waddell's journey through health struggles and coming out on the other side
Season 5. Episode 6. Anika Pavel: From Iron Curtain Childhood to International Stardom and Author

Season 5: Episode 5 -- Jan Allen Ackley: From Appalachia to successful finance exec-- Lessons Learned
Season 5. Episode 4. How Anabel Tonkovic left a corporate career and became an energy healer

Season 5. Episode 3 Whitney Ellis talks about being a money life coach and how you are enough
Special Solo Episode: Who were you at 8 years old? Is it time to bring some of her back?

Season 5. Episode 2. How logical ex-lawyer Kristen Swinehart became "The Flying Medium"
Season 5. Ep 1:Therese "Tee" Forton-Barnes teaches us easy ways to detox our homes and bodies!

Season 5: Solo episode -- On banning books (facing people's fears)

Season 4.Episode 15.Greg Lawrence on the power of psychedelic integration to heal trauma
Season 4. Episode 14: Renzo del Castillo: From Peru to America, a poet's journney
Season 4. Episode 13: Susan Glenney: From Hospitality career to author who empowers women
Season 4. Episode 12 How Deece Casillas went from high paid consultant to successful comedian

Season 4. Episode 11 -- Meet Trent Brock-- 3 time cancer survivor-- hear his incredible story of strength and resilience

Season 4. Episode 10 James Guzzetta on sudden loss and how he completely changed his life and work (includes interesting Spiritual Shamanic discussion)

Season 4. Episode 9. How Neurodivergent Spoken Word Artist Traci Neal helps the world

Season 4. Episode 8 -- Brittany Johnson shares how to stop sabotaging yourself
Season 4. Episode 7. Finding your way back after Chronic Pain drastically changes your life
Season 4. Episode 6. Talking with Sarah Moore, Women's Leadership Coach and Author of "Full of Herself"