The Storied Human (What is your Story?)
Humans have been telling each other stories since before writing. Around fires, looking up at the stars, human beings found comfort and connection through imagination and stories.
I'm Lynne Thompson -- Tech Writer, rising Voice Actor, and podcaster! I have always loved hearing people's stories, especially when they have overcome something, and then share it with the rest of us! So far the podcast has included stories on Overcoming Addiction, the Entrepreneur journey, Dealing with Mental Illness, Understanding Grief (and a few fairy tales thrown in there!).
There are plenty of spiritual moments humorous moments, and more. I have learned so much from my guests! Join me as I talk to real people with extraordinary stories! What is your story? I would love to hear it! Reach out to me at thestoriedhuman@gmail.com, or join our Facebook group!
The Storied Human (What is your Story?)
Season 5. Ep 1:Therese "Tee" Forton-Barnes teaches us easy ways to detox our homes and bodies!
Therese is a Healthy Home Advocate with Cancer Prevention in Mind; owner
of The Green Living Gurus, LLC and Tee’s Organics. Podcast Host of Green
Living with Tee.
She helps people make the switch from harmful chemicals to healthier alternatives.
She shares that "One of the most significant benefits of adopting a low-tox lifestyle is the positive impact on your health. Chemicals are in the food we eat, the water
we drink, and in many conventional products, from cleaning supplies to
personal care items. These chemicals can contribute to cancer, allergies, skin
irritations, respiratory issues, headaches and more."
Starting with just a few substitutions, we can start to improve the health of our home environments and our bodies. I learned so much from Tee, and I hope you will too!
She offers her own line of healthier cleaning products:
Tee’s Organics - https://thegreenlivinggurus.com/shop-tees-organics/
and has an e-book available:
Top Toxins to Avoid - https://thegreenlivinggurus.com/next/toxins-to-avoid-e-
Her website is:
For The Storied Human Listeners:
Use ‘Healthyhome’ for 15% off Tee’s Organics
15% off all Austin Air Purifiers. Email us at tee@thegreenlivinggurus.com to
process the order.
Products Tee recommends: https://thegreenlivinggurus.com/amazon/
I mentioned my niece Regina's company -- Tiny Kitchen Candles -- they are made with non harmful wax, wood wicks, and scented with essential oils! We love them -- check them out:
Check out my Facebook group -- The Storied Human.
The Storied Human is on YouTube now-- check it out:
Have a story? DM me on instagram: lthompson_574
Drop me an email: thestoriedhuman@gmail.com
See all my links on Linktree:
Also see all episodes on my new website: https://www.podpage.com/the-storied-human-what-is-your-story/episodes/
Keep in touch!
Original music "Saturday Sway" by Brendan Talian (for all interviews before 2025)
Hello and welcome to The Storied Human. I'm Lynne Thompson. My guest today is Therese Forton Barnes otherwise known as T and we're going to call her that during the interview. To Therese is a healthy home advocate with cancer prevention in mind. She owns the green living gurus, and teas organics. She's the podcast host of green living with tea. She's had a really interesting background, including a BS from Ithaca College with a business major and a health studies minor. And leave has added to her education in 2020. She got an environment, environmental health certificate, and she's currently working on getting her certificate from the International Association of wellness professionals. It's home to health and wellness professionals and coach coaches across a wide variety of holistic modalities. She attends webinars all year long put on by various organizations such as environmental working group, made safe, Silent Spring, women's voices for the earth, plastic pollution coalition clean and healthy New York, and the collaborative on health and environment. She never stops learning and fighting for regulations and laws to change to protect us from harmful chemicals. I love how much you do and I can't wait to hear about it. Welcome to so you're having me you're, I'm happy to be here. So I really like to hear how people get into what they're doing currently. And I was delighted by your story on your website about the earliest thing you did. Can you tell us a little more about that? Sure. Well, I was very fortunate. I grew up in the 60s in the 70s. I am 61 Now, and three older sisters in younger brother and my mother, our mother was very aware of the chemicals back then I don't know how many people were even aware of the chemicals. But she was because we were being invaded by all of these different products on the market fast food chains, TV dinners, and she wanted to keep us away from that as much as possible. And she did a pretty good job at it. She worked at our little tiny Co Op here, which is much bigger now. We all still shop there. But she would come home and have apples and hummus and cottage cheese. And my friends of course would be going to McDonald's. So I grew up that way. I didn't know any better until I started getting older and realized that we were kind of the abnormal ones. And sometimes referred to as a granola head. And I that's all I knew. So when I went to college, I wanted to go to college, I open up a health food store, a big health food store, I had a business plan. I'm major in business, as you said a minor in health. And my business plan was what everybody knows is Whole Foods. But I came out of college as a party planner. I was the party planner for high school, I was a party planner for grade school as a party player, definitely in college. And it was an industry that was just coming on to the market pretty much. And so I've had a very successful event party wedding planning business here in Buffalo for 38 years. But through those years, I have been consistently helping people with their detox in their homes. A lot of cancer patients would come to me and say, you know, how can what can I do to possibly avoid these toxins that could be causing cancer. And I also had a fruit going back in further 1983 I know you were excited when you saw that. I had a fruit and nuts stand on the streets of downtown Buffalo in the summer, which was the first of its kind and it was basically just fruit nuts, teas, fruit nuts stand that simple. So it's in my blood. It's always been in me I'm been so in tune to what has gone on in the past four decades and the amount of chemicals and products that are introduced into our lives and into the shell. One of the markets where we all shop, whether it's a supermarket or drugstore, and it's just gotten worse and worse and worse over the years, luckily, in the past, I'd say five to 10 years, there is a lot more out there for us as consumers to be on the lookout, per se, and a lot of these companies are getting their hands slapped here and there. It's a slow movement towards the right direction, but it's so worthwhile to rewarding I mean, to see, the changes are starting to happen, it's gonna take a long time, it really is, these chemical companies are so powerful. And they don't want us to know, anything that they put in the product that potentially could be bad for us. And they are brilliant at marketing, and they have so much money. And they lobby in Washington. And that is why I am doing what I set out for the is to help people understand this. And to get the word out there as much as possible. And there's quite a few of us that do very similar things. So that's very exciting, because I felt like I was the only one for 20 years. While there Yes, you were, I think yeah, yeah, it so it's so good to educate people. And that's one of the big reasons I wanted to have you on was so that we can all learn more. I think my feeling is we all know a little and we're all doing things in certain areas. But I love how complete and comprehensive. You are like I went on the website. And there's things to do on the whole spectrum of your you know, from your personal health, to what you're eating, what you're breathing, just everything. And I think it's so it's so concise and good. So what are some of the things that you see people struggle with. So one of the biggest things that I see people struggle with, and also probably one of the biggest things that I tried to get them to change is fragrance. And put fragrance in cleaning supplies, fragrance in laundry detergent, and dryer sheets. That's, that's my number one thing that I help people try to make that switch, because you can make the most impact when you switch out your fragrance laundry detergent. And the what what people don't understand about the word fragrance is that it is an old trade secret from the 1940s that Chanel Number Five went to our government and said we don't want to tell you what's in our perfume because it's a trade secret. And they that is a law still to this day. So anybody makes a product and puts the word fragrance on there, you do not have to disclose what that fragrance is made with. I have no idea. It's very scary. And the problem with fragrance is so many people have such a connection to a smell, to a smell that they think that is is flowers or roses or lavender or a lemon or ocean breeze. And it might be something they grew up with our scent. Our connection to scents is so powerful. And that and they know that these companies know how powerful that is. And the fragrance industry is so powerful you know there's they're blowing fragrance now into airports to make you want to come back to that airport. And yeah, so there's a whole psychology to it. i Oh, absolutely. I had no clue. And that's the last thing I thought you would say like the thing you see people struggling with and the thing that they can change that would have the biggest effect is to not is to get things without fragrance. Yeah, I noticed there's a lot more on the market but I didn't connect why. Yeah, there's there's more on the market now without fragrance at all. I had no clue. Thank you so much for that because I feel like you know they say learn something new every day and I just did. And it's scary to go they hide it. It is it's very scary. There's a company out of Connecticut Bella's sure they've been starting to test products on the market and then finding these these ingredients in one was a sunscreen last year they did a test and they found benzene well benzene is a common ingredient in fragrance, they don't benzene causes cancer, it doesn't potentially cause cancer it can cause so it's it's there. It's like a wild world out there that we as consumers are putting these products in our homes shampoo. Another one, you will look at the word fragrance, lotions, cleaning supplies. So it's it's a really big eye opener to people when they start to realize how toxic these fragrances can be. And you start to realize that it's not what you think it is. And it's not that lemon fresh oceans, you know, breeze which I don't know how they could ever get ocean breeze smell into our clothing, but it it's almost comedy, you know. So when you go down that aisle of the cleaning aisle in the supermarket and you smell all those smells, that's pretty much the fragrance and chemicals outgassing. And a lot of people don't know they don't feel well until they actually feel better. And I tried to get people as I said, to really switch their this out. Number one thing is to get rid of the fragrance. I ideally would love them to switch to a better detergent as well. But switching from the fragrance is key. And some people have allergies that they think are from pollen. Some people have sore throats when they wake up in the morning from these fragrances, stuffy nose, headaches, skin irritation, these are all things that these chemicals in laundry detergent and fragrance for that matter can do. And you're sleeping in them, you are wearing the clothes all day, you are they the the the smells are in your home. So those are chemicals that are in your house and on top of it in the outdoor air, because you're obviously drying the clothes and pushing those chemicals outside. So that is the biggest area that I try to get people to see and to switch. And once they do that switch, they usually start really paying attention to ingredients on every label that you buy. So and for I mean candles, another huge culprit, the chemicals that they put in candles that you're burning in your home. So you're burning these chemicals into the air of your home that you think is RoHS or as I said lavender and all these other wonderful scents. And they most likely are not. I know it's it's amazing. You've right you shake your head, like really? How do they allow this out in the market? That's a question I get a lot all the time, like how does it how is it allowed? It's allowed? It is that is a fact it's allowed? And why would the EPA, you know, how do they know? Listen, we have to take it into our own hands. And if you're going to make the switch when I tell everybody put it in a plastic bag tight tight so the chemicals don't come out and put it in your garage. Get rid of it for a month or two and and do the switch. Do the test. Yeah. See if there's a change, right? If there's a change, it takes a while to get it out of your clothing. Unfortunately, in your sheets, I tell people to at least go get new pillowcases if you can't afford to get new sheets. Just to get it out of yours where you're sleeping eight hours a day, you know on your free. Yeah, yeah. So that is the first area that is hard because people are addicted pretty much to these smells. I I have many people that I just can't get my family to, to get used to it. And it just takes time. Same with dryer sheets. Dryer sheets are horrific. They are oh yeah, we don't use those that just feels wrong to me. But yeah, right. But I'm a real smell person. I mean, this is like right up my alley. I got to really take a look at all the smells that I put in my house. And also what about like people? It's funny, I just was on vacation with people that are very aware. And we're all we tried to be green and we all like guiltily admitted that we still use regular cleaners. Like we haven't made the switch. You know, we know that they're not good. But we're kind of like addicted to them and used to them and they work. So do you help people make that change to like in their kitchens and bathrooms are using the same old Scrubbing Bubbles and the kinds of things that is the second The area I usually go to, because the amount of chemicals being sprayed in your home, that they think you know, these companies, they're like you need this for the counter, you need this for the tub, you need this for the toilet, you need this for the sink. And it's, first of all, it's a marketing ploy. And second of all, but more importantly, the chemicals in the that are in those products are very toxic to your home, and your lungs. And if you have children, they're potentially putting their fingers in their mouth and dogs licking the floor licking their paws. And the there's there's alternatives. And I as I grew up with vinegar, soda, baking soda, and that's how we cleaned. So I actually have my own all purpose cleaner, that I have essential oils that I use only in it with vinegar and water. But essential oils have cleaning properties out in the antiviral antibacterial. So there's alternatives out there. And once you switch over from the toxic, Clorox 409, whatever those smells are, which, if you understood how they make those products, you would not want those in your home. And once you Yeah, once you make that switch you you you'll never go back and, and the plastic part of it, too is a huge issue. It's terrible, right? We have so many plastic bottles, and we're trying really hard not to have that. But you know, we need to make a switch. My great grandmother used to use vinegar water on her countertops. Yeah, my mother too. Yeah, yes. That's what might Yep, absolutely. You know, some people don't like the smell of vinegar. And that's why I use it with essential oils. So that's a great tip to use essential oils. I wanted to mention to shout out to my niece, she has a candle company that's you know, it's she uses soy and she uses coconut oil and essential oils and she makes a beautiful candle that does pollute your home. And she feels good about making it and she's doing great. I'm going to I'm gonna plug her company because it's really wonderful plugin and make sure you send me the information. Yeah. And you know, love it. Even if even if she wasn't my niece, I would go crazy for because I love smells. And these are healthy smells. Now I understand how healthy they are. After talking to you. Yes. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, you can make switches. And it's not that hard. If you do, if you do it bit by bit, you know, you're not going to do this overnight. Exactly. Take it slow. Some people blame me I love when somebody comes to me and wants me to go through their whole entire house. But that's a bit drastic, and slow. You know, and start in the kitchen where or in the laundry room, as I said, and then start with your cleaning supplies. And slowly we will help you move into new areas. Because there's so many different things that you can do to change out and swap out with healthier products. Tell me more about the cancer prevention part. Yes. So my whole life I've been pretty much aware and scared of chemicals and how they potentially could be causing cancer. My aunt, who was my mother's sister, who I was extremely close with died of cancer, right when I graduated from college in 1985. And at that point, there wasn't many people that I knew of dying of cancer, and it just didn't. And then all of a sudden it just seems like has exploded in the past 2030 years. And the chemical industry has also exploded in the past so scary. Is that too. We never used to hear about childhood cancer the way we hear about it now kids are babies. Oh my gosh. So it's, it's everywhere. Unfortunately, my aunt had ovarian cancer. She was bathed. She used baby powder all the time. So now there's lawsuits of talcum powder causing ovarian cancer. There's lawsuits all over the place. With regards to so many of these different chemicals Monsanto is being sued. I forgot how many 160,000 lawsuits for lymphoma and the roundup which is still on the market. Good, that's how we got, oh my gosh, so. So it's a matter of just being aware of everything you put on your body, and everything you eat, and what you're breathing in. Because we are bombarded. I mean, you can only do so much when you walk out of the house, you know, right, right. Where math but But you, you can't prevent it once you leave your house, but you can prevent it as much as you possibly can. In your house, the EPA has reported that our homes are somewhere between two and 100 times more polluted than the outdoor air due to the indoor air quality. And what we are bringing into our homes and all these homes that our windows are, you know, air tight, sealed, very sealed. Yeah. And, and what is out gassing in our home. So it's just a paying attention to what you were using, what you're buying. And reading the label, that's the most important thing, read that label, get to know some of those ingredients, you might not be able to pronounce them. But I tell people to Google them once in a while and see what see what you're putting on your skin, which is going into your body. So and we don't know how all these chemicals are interacting with one another either. So what you're breathing, what you're putting on your skin, what you're eating, these are all things that you want to try to avoid as much as possible. You can't go crazy with it, you know, I go out to dinner. And yeah, I'm not gonna I'm gonna eat the food that is served to me, I'm not gonna go crazy because it's not organic. But I am gonna bring a glass container for my leftovers, because I will not put it in, I will not take it in a to go container, which is usually plastic, and hot food and plastic you never want to do so. It's just doing little things that you can do for yourself and your family and your home. I do like that idea of focusing on your home. And I didn't realize how toxic it was. So I think that you're, you're right on, like helping people make their personal environments healthier. Because we spend so much time and effort in our homes and we have an older house. So we probably have some nice airflow. We do too. Yeah, airflow is good. You know, even in the middle of winter. I'm in Buffalo, New York. It's called here. It's cool. Yeah, yeah, we will open up a window. You know, especially when we're sleeping a little bit cold, but just to get air in the house, because I've talked to some house inspectors. And they said sometimes they will go through homes, too. And you barely can tell that there's any airflow in the home. And people wonder why they are so tired all the time. He said feel well yeah, and why they don't feel well. And he's like, I feel like they're living like in a coffin with no air flow and toxic chemicals that they're breathing in all day. So get that fresh air as much as possible. That's good advice. I can't help but wonder why there aren't standards or tests being done on these new homes like I don't understand how they get away with this. I know I know it scares me there's a lot of a lot of people out there doing good work with making sure that they're building green homes or if you are building a green home or remodeling a home there's some great websites and people's work you know that they're doing these this research and studies but it's hard I mean yeah, it's you know, if I ever were to build a new home I'd have my windows open an air purifier in every single room because you can't get around the drywall you can't get around the paint and you know there's just so much that goes into guessing apt get Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you if you're sensitive, you can smell that in a new home. Like I can't believe some of the homes I've toured. They have an open house and it just smells wrong. It doesn't smell like yeah, complaints that humans should live you know exactly. The carpet especially I've noticed Oh, the new carpet smells the carpet in the glue underneath carpeting if it's wall to wall is very toxic. Yeah, I mean, it's just all these different products that they use, unfortunately. Now thankfully our bodies can withstand some toxic they process the toxins right and eliminate them. But when your body starts to overfill with these toxins, that's when chronic symptoms or your immune system falter and you you are Cancer on also your body can only fight off so much. It makes sense. And yeah, it makes sense. Definitely. And if you're not getting them out of your system properly, then that's when your body is telling you something, something's wrong. So. So I definitely thought I knew a lot about this or a little bit about it. But I don't think I knew half the things you today. That's really good information. Yeah, there's, I mean, it's, I could sit here and probably talk for about six hours on everything. But it's, again, taking it slow. If you're, if you're listening to the show here today, you're taking a step in the right direction already, by educating yourself and paying attention to everything that you're using. And you said at the very beginning, you know, what is it what's hard for them, that you're making the right step in the right direction, if you're aware of it, and I would imagine it gets easier, you know, you just get it done. And it gets fun. I have so many people that will and I love when they do this, they'll send me a picture and say, you know, show me like, I almost bought this at the store today. And I read the ingredients and I saw the word fragrance or the word perfume or perfume, they can put that on there too for for everybody's sake. And I can just tell that they have taken their own health into their own hands and watching everything that they buy at the store. So it's feel good to see that. Yeah, it is it is definitely. So is there anything else you'd like to tell my listeners? Is there anything that we didn't talk about that you'd like to? So the, in the United States, just to back all this up in the United States, we have over 80,000 chemicals, there are 11 disallowed on the market today, in the European Union, they have disallowed 1100 chemicals, those numbers have probably gone up. They're very in the European Union, they are very cognizant of chemicals and what it is doing to people dogs in the in the environment for that matter to. And so a woman, on average puts on 168 Different or takes in or puts you know, puts out 168 different chemicals a day in personal care products, hair spray toothpaste, deodorant, lotions, shampoo, conditioner, you name it, all those add up, right? A man is more like 128 I think it is. So it's just reducing those toxins from your body. So they are to you know, so you're not taking the brunt of it and potentially harming yourself. And we all want to prevent cancer. So that's why I have cancer prevention in mind, I never want to say anything is going to prevent cancer. Because of course, we don't fully know what actually always causes cancer. And it is something that I just tried to get people to keep that in the back your head when what you're doing what you're consuming. Our water in the United States, unfortunately, is very polluted with pesticides and herbicides and other chemicals that are making its way into our waterway because of all of these other chemicals that are being used and run off and people spraying their lawns. It's all going into the water. And so I get people to try to really focus on their water as well, because I have a reverse osmosis in our in our for our drinking water in our home. So I always refer people to the Environmental Working Group website. They've been around for No, two, three decades. And they've a lot of great information they offer on that website. And they also have a spot on there for water and you can go in and put in your zip code and it'll tell you what is in your water. They analyze all the different water plants around the country and it's pretty scary. The amount of chemicals in there and the levels of these chemicals and most of them potentially cause cancer. So well that's really important. We all drink water cook with water. Yes. What was that? You said you had a reverse osmosis This so yep reverse osmosis is a filtration system that is primarily for your drinking water in your home and it gets out 99.9% of the chemicals that are found in drinking water are drinking water. The water treatment plants they treat the water for bacteria and any viruses. They're not taking out what could be in that water, pesticides, herbicides, all these other chemicals so it takes out those chemicals that you do not want to be drinking the PFAs chemicals. I don't know if anybody saw that news lately. A law was just passed nationwide. This is massive that I think in three years, every water treatment plant has to put something out you know treat the water so the PFAs chemicals are coming out. PFS chemicals are used in nonstick cookware, they're used in fire foam. They're used in anything that is waterproof, it's been sprayed. It is horrific, they call them forever chemicals. And why they call forever chemicals because they're very hard to get out of your body and to get removed them. So this is a huge P FOSS is p p FAS you'll start seeing a lot of products that say P FOSS free pizza boxes. Underneath the pizza is wax that is Lodish anything like that New York state actually, that law passed in January that they had to put something else underneath pizza because that was you know, unfortunately, and anytime it heats up, but pizza sits right on that P Foz. layer of paper dental floss as is known to have P FOSS in it too. Not dental floss. Yeah, but there's a lot of really good dental floss out there. I've been experimented I have like three or four different dental floss that I really love now that don't have P FOSS in them. And that's really great that you told us about P FOSS because I heard about the legislation. It sounded great, but I like hearing the details. Yeah, there's I've been studying that for I want to say four or five years. Because there's been some serious health issues with families with one family, two families I interviewed one in north of Albany in New York State and one down in one in New Hampshire and another one in South Carolina, that they they live close to where either an airport where the the the foam is sprayed all the time on Air Base. Her kids were in the daycare center and the air base and they have major health problems. Yeah. The one family they all have cancer. So this is a huge development in the United States. About three years ago, they sent out a study in seven different cities. And this is finally a result for everybody. Thank goodness. Finally, finally it was bipartisan, you know that this is affecting everybody. Really, I'm an encouraged. And you had brought up the European Union. I've heard that before that. They're just so much more careful with chemicals and food. Yeah, yeah. So they had an example on social media of I guess it was oatmeal, like the quick prepared oat with oatmeal. It's exactly the same brand. And the one in America has like a million chemicals. And the one in England has regular things you'd recognize as food. So they are there ahead of us. And my friend who is you know, has family in Italy. She said that when she eats bread in Italy. She doesn't have this upset that she thought was a gluten problem. As you said clay it's really because there's nothing bad in the bread and because I don't know the details. But I know the protein that we have in our wheat has been changed. It's not the same as that old protein and so when you go to Europe, it's your body knows what that is. And she can eat bread till the cows come home. Yeah, my sister. Yeah, yeah, that's a lot of it has to do with glyphosate too. Oh, that's a lot of our Devo about that. Yeah, that is not allowed over in Europe and it's it's sprayed I mean anything corn here in the United States wheat crop so that potentially could be what is in our bread and other chemicals. So I agree with you. My sister and I went over to Italy she She can't eat bread here. She was so excited. She could eat as much bread as she wanted over there. And here's the proof. Yeah. It's definitely scary. Yeah, it is. It's very scary. I do. I do think it's, it's hard not to get really overwhelmed. But I think if you just take it one step at a time, and know that you're getting better each day doing making those decisions. Yeah, I can't thank you enough for explaining it to me. And hopefully, you know, we'll all learn everybody who listens to my podcast. And let's just remind people how they can get in touch with you, you have your website. And the name of that is, the website is the Green Living gurus.com. And from the website, I have a shop tab, you can find everything that I recommend out there. And my teas, organics and my guides that I have on the website, and then my social media links, if you want to follow me. I have a blog. I have a newsletter, and I'm pretty accessible. So yeah, you have a lot on there. I was scanning the blog. And there's so many good topics, I think, right? You can really educate ourselves just hanging out on your website. Right? There's a lot of fun things in there. I try to make it as fun as possible. You know, you don't want to go too crazy with all of this, but you definitely don't want to. You want to you want to pay attention to what you're putting on your body and in your body. So I'm just so happy that you're fighting the good fight and you're raising awareness because we just you know, a lot of us just don't know. No, you don't and they know that. Yeah. And yeah, they do, don't they? Yeah, but now we do know a little more because of Yes. Definitely. gonna live on your website for a while. Please do absolutely. Thank you too. It was great talking to you. Oh, thank you for having me on. I appreciate it. was really good. Have a good one. You too.