The Storied Human (What is your Story?)

Season 5. Episode 2. How logical ex-lawyer Kristen Swinehart became "The Flying Medium"

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She is an attorney. She worked in NYC booking comedians. She tried a bunch of things and ended up discovering that she is actually a medium. And she is a flight attendant, hence "The Flying Medium."

Recently, she has discovered that she can channel the archangel Raphael. 

She especially enjoys doing group sessions and because of her flight attendant work can fly anywhere to do a session.

You can reach Kristen at:
On Instagram: @theflying medium

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Original music "Saturday Sway" by Brendan Talian (for all interviews before 2025)


Lynne, Hi and welcome to The Storied Human. I'm Lynne Thompson, and today I'm really excited to introduce my guest, Kristin Swinehart. She's got a cool name, and she's got a cool several professions, and we're going to find out all about them today. So welcome Kristen. It's so nice to have you here. Thank you, Lynne, I'm excited to be here. It's rare that I have somebody who's done so many different things. What do you want to start with? I mean, why don't you start with I think the most interesting part of people's stories is often like how they transitioned, how they figured out, you know, to move from one thing to something very different. And for you, it really, you really did move to some move into something very different. Can you tell us a little more about that? Sure? First of all, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, that I'm the only that person has so many, you know, so many backgrounds. And I used to say I used to be embarrassed because I had done so many things in such a short time. And I was like, my resume does not look good, but now, now it's a total positive. I think it just says somebody who's really engaged in life and really interested in lots of different things. That's how I take it. Yeah, great. Well, I'm glad, because I do have a lot of those. So I would say the first big experience would be being an attorney. So I grew up with parents to my both my parents, my mom and dad were lawyers, and so I kind of thought you went to law school, like a lot of people think, you just continue on to college. And so, like at five years old, I already had this plan that I was going to go to be a lawyer, and then I started that because I really wanted to work in sports and entertainment. But then I ended up getting out in the real world, and I worked with an NFL agent for a little bit, and also did Wilson probate. And so when I got down the wills and probate path, I was like, I sure do hate this. You know, this isn't fun, like, I'm not anybody's agent. Like, where's all of the glamor? It was not that at all. And I don't know, it just became, like, very early on, I was like, This is not what I'm not what I meant to do. Or like, there's got to be something more. But I really should rewind, because one of the big turning points with that, my dad actually passed away when I was 18, and I couldn't understand. I was like, so we live and then we die. And that's it. Like, I was confused at 18, and then when I got started to practice law, I was like, so wait a minute. Now we live. I work this job, I hate forever, and then I die like this. This path makes no sense to me, so I think that that was really part of what made me like decide that if something wasn't working for me or it didn't feel right, like I just couldn't spend all my entire life, because I knew at the end, like life seemed too short after my dad died. So I practiced law for a little bit, and then I had the opportunity to manage comedians in New York City. So I went to New York City and did that. That was fun, and learned a lot, you know, and living in New York City for two and a half years like that's an experience in and of itself. I'm from a very, very small town in Ohio, and then just had a bunch of different sales jobs and tried all kinds of things and but there was always something that was missing. Like, I was, like, all right, well, that was good, but like, there's got to be something more. And so I've continued this path of always looking for something more, and that's why, you know, I just kept moving until I've kind of found more of it. I would say, Now that's cool, and I respect that. And it does make so much sense that you lost your dad so young that for you it was a reality that we that we go sometimes before anyone's ready to have us go. And for a lot of us, it's not a reality. You know, when we're young, we're just like, sort of invincible, and we think we're going to live forever. And I know people that still have their parents, and they're much you know, these are people in their 50s, and they still have their parents, and they just think they'll always have their parents, and they've always had their parents, but if you have to go through that so young, that's something that you know, that most young people don't know, and so it makes sense that it shaped how long you were willing to stay with something you didn't like. But also that grief really informs you. I think going through something like that so young, that's intense. I read about that, that the grief really had a part in how you saw things, and that's that's like such a painful experience to go through at any age, but you were young, and I think it I mean, how many people actually know how to even handle grief at an older age? So can you imagine, at 18, like, I have not no clue. It's not like, you go to a class in school, they're like, Hey, this is what happens when, like, somebody dies and you go through grief, and nobody's grief is the same. So I just did not have the tools on how to handle that at all. And so I think the work that I do now, I have a better understanding of, like, what it is and how to support people through that, because that's so good. There's no book on like, hey, it's cookie cutter, and this is the process. It's so true. And we're not taught that grief can take a while. We're not taught that it comes and goes. I mean, I lost my mom when I was in my early 40s, and, you know, still that's, it's not 18. I mean, it's not the same. But. Uh, it was very shocking. We lost her, you know, in a very shocking way. And I had little kids, you know, and I just wasn't ready, and I didn't know how, like, I didn't know how. And I ended up I had complicated grief. I talk about it on the podcast, because I think it's really important for people to understand that it's different for everyone, and that I wanted to warn people that if you tend to get depression, if you lean towards that, if you get depressed and you're grieving, it's called complicated grief, and it's really, you know, it can stick with you. And I had to go to a therapist, and I learned a lot. I just really felt so lucky that I got I came out of it, and I had good support at home. But I never knew you could be that sad. I remember saying to my husband, I can't believe I'm this sad and I'm still alive. You know, it's like a whole other level of sad. And nobody warned you, and nobody tells you. Now, there's some good books and there's some programs that I've seen, but I also think mediums like yourself provide such a comfort, and I've gone to several good ones, and they have helped me so much. Even with my pet, I recently went to a medium who who focuses on pets too, and I had, I can't believe how much comfort I got. So yes and yes, but yeah, I wish we were a little more open about how devastating grief can be and how you can be fine. And then something happens, so that reminds you, and then there's a wave, you know, it's just, if we realize that's how it is, then we're sort of ready for it, you know, we accept it. But nobody tells you it's like, no, no, this. This is with you. You know, this is something you carry with you. And isn't it interesting? Because it's probably one of the few things that that everybody will go through at some point in their life, like nobody's getting away from grief. We all have it, right? It's so nuts. It's very true, and it's funny. I saw It's A Wonderful Life. I watch it every year. And I noticed when George loses his dad, he wears an armband, like a black armband around his suit, arm, you know, outside of his suit. And I guess people did that then. And I was like, What a cool thing. Like, we've given up some things that would tell other people, you know, be gentle with this person. They just lost somebody like that was another feeling like walking through your regular, you know, events, after you lose someone, it's so invisible that you're that you're in this like state, right? And you're walking around, you're shopping, you're talking to people, you're going to classes, probably, you trying to act normal. And if you had that armband or something that let people know, you know, be a little nicer to me. I'm I'm in a certain it's recognizing the state of grief that you're in, the state I thought we shouldn't have given that up, you know. Anyway, I'm getting off the topic. But anyway, you never know. But it really, um, it really shaped, it really shaped you. And it gives you, like, extra compassion too for other people, you know, totally and I look now I, you know, my dad's been gone longer now than the time I had him a lot. So I had him for 18 years, and he's been gone for 25 and so talking about, like, waves of grief, like I still have moments where I break down and cry and I wish my dad was here. And, you know, like, how is that even possible? Because, you know, you think about, yes, people that have had their parents for 4050, years, but I've had the reverse, and still, like, such a big part of me, but I will say, like, mediumship and learning that I can connect with him in a very different way now has given me a lot of solace, and I believe that that's one of the things that's given me a lot of the questioning and keep going to try to understand, like, death and what happens and what else goes on, because that's part of what has given me peace, or at least a better understanding. And now, when I work as a medium, I can understand what people could be going through, and how just a little bit of closure or just a little bit of like, okay, maybe they are still here, just something that gets them to hold on and understand that like they're not like gone forever. It's just they're showing up in a very different form. Now, I think that is so incredibly comforting, I can't even tell you what it's meant to me, especially somebody connected me with a friend who committed suicide, and I was just so grateful. I was so grateful to just be to know that she was okay and who she was with, and her state of her state of mind. On the spirit side, it just I didn't even know how much I was like holding my breath to hear that news. You know, you don't even know until you hear it. And so that's a gift I think, that mediums give us, and I think I really respect what you do, and we, you know, we all need more knowledge about that. We got to stop thinking like I think you get trapped in your grief if you think the person's gone forever when they're not, they're just in another. You know, reality, they're in another, whatever you want to call it. Mentioned whatever. So how did you start letting that happen? Like, how did you transition? Did you, first of all, was there any inkling that you had this gift before, when you were younger? No, never. I had no idea what a meeting was. I didn't know any of this, what people would call, like, this, like, Woo world. Like, I had no clue I've been, like, very logical left brain, I say, for all my life. But that's probably not really true, right? Like, I just would, like, be like, Oh, I'm logical left brain. That's kind of the story that I, like, associated with. But, you know, like, after losing my dad, I just kept going on this personal development journey that I didn't know I was starting on, you know, like, I started with one course, and then that was interesting, and then I started reading books. Started reading books. And you know, it's like, the rabbit hole just keeps getting longer. Like, the more you go down, it's only like, my god, it goes forever. Like, no, there was no end. There is no end of the rabbit hole. I've decided, No, it's true. It's like, once you go down there, you're never coming back. I promise you, final interesting things, but it does it never, you never come back to where you started from. So interesting. And what strikes me too, is you were raised by two very logical people, or had logical professions, two lawyers. And so, of course, you thought you were logical and right brained, you know, yes, yes. Well, yeah, logical left brain, but yes and yes, right um, but now I kind of wonder, you know, like, I like to go back and think if I could ask my dad questions about what was really going on. Like, how did he see himself? Like, was he logical? But I also think that there was this bright brain side of him, because he was very good at his job, that I was, like, only somebody that was probably a little more tapped in, who could could do his job as well as he did. So interesting, yeah, yeah. So I don't know, but I'm, I'm thinking there was more to him than I actually, like, now I'm like, Oh, it makes a little more sense. But so yeah, through, through the rabbit hole, then I ended up doing some work with a Peruvian Shaman. And through that work was a bit when I was at one of like these ceremonies, and then discovered I had information about a friend's grandmother that I shouldn't know, or, like, I wouldn't know, you know, I just wouldn't have this information. And so when I asked him, I'm like, this leaking sense for your grandmother? And he was like, Yeah, and I think it was something obscure too. Like, she always liked to wear this red dress. Or, like, you know, it was, like, something very random. It wasn't like, you know. And so that's a pretty good one. So then I, kind of, I talked with the shaman. I was like, Well, do you think that I'm a medium? And by this point, I finally understood what a medium was. He was like, yeah. And that was about as much satisfaction of as I got out of him. So left devices, you know, like, Okay, well now I don't know what that whatever. So I started just again, like, researching and learning more. I actually took, like, an online class from a woman who was a medium who was very high up in the Navy at one point. So I was like, okay, I can relate to her, like she's not so far out there that I'm not going to believe anything that she's saying. And that was essentially the start. And then I started practicing. It was during covid, actually. So this was only within the last five years that I discovered that I discovered that I could do this. It's not like, you know, I saw dead people since I was six or anything like that. Yeah. It hasn't been like that. It's so interesting. Yeah. So now I look back and I can see things where it's like, I I'm very strong clear cognizance. So I have a clear knowing that their cognizance means, like, clear now, and so I would know things that other people didn't know, but you don't know. I didn't know I knew things other people don't know. So interesting. I asked that very specifically, because now that I look back and connect the dots and knit things together, I realized I was always psychic and I was always intuitive and I was spiritual, and I didn't get it like you just said you like, you didn't know that you knew, you know, like I always had, ESP with my mom, and I would always, like, answer her questions that she didn't say out loud. And we just laughed about it, like, oh, you know, it's one of those little things, but there were so many other things. And when you start to put it all together, you realize actually the shamanic thing is another connection that I get because I took two shamanic classes years ago, one with my husband, Celtic shamanism and we Chol shamanism, which is in Mexico, the we Chol people. And I just couldn't explain why I felt like, Yeah, this is where I belong. You know, it's just this connection to the whole ancient sort of wisdom thing. I remember saying, this is like psychology, but better, you know, it's like, it's like healing rituals and psychology, but it's more than 100 years old, and it's all over the world. There must be something to it. You know, there has to be something to it. And I got, I journeyed with both some classes, especially the Celtic shamanism. I journeyed and got all kinds of answers and learned all kinds of things. And that really shaped like how I, I look at everything. And it's so cool that you have that too, because I just feel. Like it's all connected, I really do, because I feel, you know, shamans go to an alternate reality, and I believe, you know, mediums do too, and so there's all kinds of, like, supposedly, levels or whatever. I don't understand all that, but it's really kind of connected for me. You know that this kind of going beyond this dimension and and receiving information, and it's not out there at all. I mean, I feel like it's, you know, magic is just science. We haven't discovered yet what people call magic, or it's, if we just don't, we're starting to understand it. People Keep Talking about the quantum field and how they have a feeling that that's where psychics go, because there's, you know, they can see that, quote, unquote, future. But there, you know, there is no future really, right? They're just, they go beyond time and space. And that's where healing happens too. That's where shamanic healing happens. And so there's this whole idea that maybe someday physics will explain it, so that people won't think it's so nuts. You know, there's just not that everybody does. But just, I'm seeing a change, you know, I'm sensing a change that there's a little more science backed explanation of like meditation and healing techniques. And I think there's some serious stuff on mediumship. I saw some film called beyond death or something like that, where they're really taking it seriously and trying to, you know, study it, and interview people, and try to understand near death experiences and try to put it all together. And I think that mediums help people feel so much better, because, again, you don't want to stay stuck in your grief and think someone is gone forever. Yeah, absolutely not. Yeah. You want to know that there's something else, or at least, like, understanding that they're, I mean, and I know that sometimes people, oh, they're in a much better place now, like, Well, those are kind of words. I mean, you know what? I mean, like, a lot of people don't believe they're like, Yeah, well, I don't know. That doesn't necessarily help somebody in the middle of their grief. Oh, they're, in a sense, yeah, you know. And by the way, they said, You know, I wore the red dress. Remember me, and that's how they validate, right? And I love, yeah, yeah, right. Like, so something like that. And of course, when I do my work, my you know, it's very important for me to get evidence, like, you know, that they have whatever that may be, yeah? Because then it's like, okay, like, how there's no chance I could be making that up, you know? And that, to me, that's part of the fun part. I mean, one of the fun parts of what I do for me too, is that I'm always just as blown away too, when I'm like, Okay, well, why am I talking about that they got Wendy's Frosties? Like, that's so obscure. And then they're like, Oh my God, my dad ate Wendy's Frosties every day. Like, like, oh, okay, you know. So for me, it's just so kind of fun. It's fun to see what the spirit world will give you. So that's really, you seem really comfortable with this. Were you always, were you a little afraid when it first started? Or were you afraid to open up to it? I feel like I probably would have been open to it sooner if I hadn't been afraid, because I don't know that I I didn't know what I had growing up, I've always just thought that I was like the weird kid that didn't fit in. But it's like I had, I had friends in lots of different groups, but I never really felt like I belonged, and I couldn't understand why. And I think that's one part now that I'm finally all these years later, like coming to terms with was like I maybe it wasn't like the weird. I mean, yes, maybe I was weird. I'm a weirdo, whatever, but it's because of what I can do. But why do I need to be ashamed of that? Because a lot of people come to me very interested in what I do. And so I think that it was always just feeling like I was out of place and not understanding, yeah, now that I'm like, seeing people's responses. And, you know, like, for example, the other day, I was at my apartment building, and there was a guy in the pool who had an experience with a medium, and he said to me, never having worked with me before, like, wow, I think it's so cool what you do, and it's a really important job, so keep doing what you're doing. And I'm like, This is so crazy. A stranger is like, acknowledging me for this. Yeah, so great. I feel so strongly now that I connected some dots of my own that if I if I'd been raised in a tradition like the Celtic shamanism teacher, she's a six level, a sixth generation druid. She comes from a line of Scottish shamans, and so she was raised with this stuff, and she was, you know, trained, and she was taught that this is how you do it, and this is okay, and you're not weird. I feel like if we had something like that we would have known earlier in our life. I really do. I feel like there was nobody in my family to support. Usually, there's a grandma or something like, if you're living in Europe and you have this tradition in your family, there's a grandma or a grandpa that will teach you, and you will know when you're young that you're not weird. It's not it's not odd. It's just special, you know, and you'll, you'll be trained in it. So we found it later that we have. I actually was told I was a medium by one of my psychic healers that I interviewed me. I would have guessed that about I wouldn't have guessed. I would have thought that I'm gonna follow up with her. Nobody's ever said that before, but the shaman thing definitely. I definitely connect with that. But I really feel like, if you'd have that Grandma, you would have been on the path sooner. You know, I feel like we don't get validated as so we learn to be, you know, normal, quote, unquote, we learn how to play normal. Yes, that's true. And at the same time, like, could it have been something that, like, needed it happened the way it needed to happen. Maybe, you know, like, because how different I if I would have realized this a long time ago, I probably wouldn't have gone to law school, because I'd be like, Well, I'm not logical left brain. I've got this a whole other thing, but I have found that a lot of times people will listen to me about my mediumship, because I've given them some sort of credibility, because they think, Well, if she's a lawyer, then, like, you know, so it's, there you go. Maybe it's people going to, what the heck, just the way it's supposed to happen. Yeah, that's so cool. That is so cool. So you've been doing this since, like, 2020 or correct? Yeah, 2019 I at the end of 2019 I discovered this. And so then, of course, covid happened, and then that's when I was like, Well, I guess I got some extra time to get on the phone and try this out with some friends and see what happens. And then I went, you know, started doing that, and it's not really practicing, because you're doing it, but, and then people started paying me for it. And I was like, wow, this is really something. Isn't that cool? And that is, it get easier. Like, do you feel a little more confident after as time goes by? Um, I mean, yes, to an extent, right? But I also think that when you're dealing with something where, and this is one of the reasons I love doing this too, is because I don't, like, you know, back in the day, if I were going to, like, practice law, I had to, like, prepare what I was going to say and do all of the things. Now I just show up and just trust that spirit's going to give me the words to say. So I'm like, oh, there's no real preparation, although I do meditate and do everything else. But it's not like I have to, you know, sit down there and prepare. And when I say that, like, I do a lot of group readings. So yeah, I go stand in front of a group and then do my readings that way, but it's not like I know what I'm going to say. I just have to trust that spirit's going to be there. So there is that piece like, All right, well, let's hope spirit's there and I'm getting what they're telling me, you know. So there is always that actor, but, you know? But I do trust that spirit shows up when when needed. I love that. So there's a trust thing, and that's really what you have to have. And I'm so intrigued that somehow spirits know we're there, like I've always been, so amazed by who comes through and how they can tell it's almost like you make a date. I remember last time, well, the time that my mom spoke to me. She had spoken to me earlier, I had been to a group thing up in Connecticut, and then I was going to go to another group thing, and I let her know. I was like, you know, I'm making this appointment with you. I was like, much more, like, aggressive about it. I was like, I'm going to be there. I hope you will be too. And I was like, meditating and picturing her and smiling, and she came through, and it was so cool. And I was like, how do they tell like, I'm just so curious about the other side, what it's like. And I got to tell you a really funny story. When I was in Connecticut, we were getting this read, like maybe 10 of us, right? And this is a pretty famous medium. I didn't even realize it at the time, but she's, you know, been on TV and stuff and and she's, but she's so genuine. I loved her right away. And so we're sitting there in this older house. My friend lives in this old house, and we're waiting for her to, you know, receive a message, and she goes, Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute, someone. And she explained it as a line of people. She had a line of spirits, right in order. I was so intrigued by that, and she said, Oh, but wait a minute. There's someone that just wants to add something, and they're not related to anyone here, and I'm like, what? Who invited them? And she said, Oh, they used to live here, and it was a speakeasy, and they wanted to say hi, and they wanted to tell you about the house, and it was a speakeasy, and it was all crazy, and it was a prohibition. People would meet here, and, like, the timing was correct. The house was from like, the 1910s you know. And it was like, I guess it was 19, you know, 29 or something they were talking about. But it was so cool. And everything they said checked out, like, the history of the house, everything. And my friend hadn't lived there long. She didn't know it. She didn't know that history. And it was just so validating to start it with that, you know. And then right after that, right after that, my father in law, came through, and he was a very devout Catholic, and he was, he showed up in his altar boy uni uniform, and then he showed up in his military uniform, so that I would know for sure that it was him. I just thought that was so cool, yeah. And they the way that they show up and, like, how you remember them, like, I was talking to somebody, I said, you know, I don't generally give physical descriptions, because that doesn't necessarily help somebody, because they could have, like, they could remember their loved one at, like, maybe at the end of their life, when they looked a certain way, but the way that usually a lot of spirits will show. Up is like, when they were happiest, you know. So when they're like, lively and had dark hair and all of the things. So sometimes it's like, you know, they will show us the things that we will remember them by, not things that they you could get confused. It's so, it's just so cool the choices they make. So I was like, Really, I was in awe that night. First of all, that the person, you know, butted in front of everybody and told about the history. I thought that just sort of validated the whole thing, right? I was, I was really impressed. So, have you had any really surprising moments, or have you had any, like, really, you know, wild moments that you've read for people? I mean, I would say, almost all my readings, there's something that comes through where I'm just like, Yeah, well, you know, so, yeah. So I'm trying to think, like, well, there's one that it's funny because my brother, you know, like, we'll talk about some of this, these things, but, you know, I think we're in a different place with it. But there was one story that I told him that he brought up not so long ago that I think was such a great one was a reading I did really quite early on, and it was about a dad who came through, and he had a signed baseball by Mickey Mantle, and the dad was trying to tell the family not to sell it. And I had no idea that the family was actually in the process of debating on what they should do with the baseball or not. And so I was like, there's this baseball, and he's saying not to sell. And they're like, oh my gosh, that's crazy, because my son is wanting to sell the baseball. And so that came through. And there have been things like that. Oh, I do have another one. I did a reading for somebody else, and she wanted to connect with her grandfather, who she was very close with, and I brought him through, and he told her Tell her mother that she and her sister needed to start talking again and get back on on good terms. And so she went and told her mom that, and then she reached out to her sister, and they got back on good terms, so good that they actually ended up buying beach homes next to one another, and like now have a totally different relationship. So those are the stories that I love hearing, like the after, like, what happens after, when there is something like that that changes the family dynamic, or there was some message that, you know, solves the problem, or, you know, so that's the part that I really enjoyed seeing. Like, what happens I love that I love that there's helpful messages that your loved one is still concerned about you and still knows what's happening, that's amazing to me, yeah, and that's the other thing too. Is like, you know, your loved ones still know what's happening and what's around. Because sometimes I think people also question, like, well, if only my mom are here to see this, or only if they're there, they're seeing it, you know? And so sometimes the messages are just to come through to let people know. Like, I was describing one time somebody's wedding dress, this woman, and she's like, Oh my gosh, I was connected to her grandmother, but I was describing the wedding dress, and the woman was like, But how would she know that? And I was like, No, she's letting you know that she saw you in your wedding dress. And I like, described it Exactly, yeah. So to me, that's just so comforting. And so it, it lets people realize it really is that way, that you're not lost from each other, that that you are still connected. I'll tell you, one of the most powerful things that came through for me, and you would think it would be my mom, but it was so like, unex it was so expected what my mother said, she's just like, I'm really proud of you and and I'm so much happier here, don't worry, you know. And the and the person that pulled her through said she's very zen right now. She's very peaceful and Zen, and she suffered so much at the end of her life that this was such a gift to me. But the most surprising thing that a medium said to me was about my friend who committed suicide. I remember being feeling really wrecked by that for a really long time. And it wasn't that long after I lost my mom, and it was only, you know, a year and a half later, I lost my friend, and I'm in the car and I'm thinking of my friend, and I'm really upset, and I called out to her, and I prayed for her, and I sent her out loud, I said, I prayed for her, and I said, I really miss you. I hope you're at peace. I just felt like this urge to do that. And then a few years later, I'm at the medium, not even thinking of this friend, and she came through, and she's medium, said she heard you pray for her. Oh, wow, she thanks you for praying for her. And I was like, Okay, I totally believe now, because there's always a little bit of doubt. You know, I said I totally freaking believe now, because I was alone in my car, nobody knows I did that. How could she possibly know that? Unless all of this is real. So that was a real moment for me. Wow. I was very, I was very touched. And I tell, I tell people all the time, please talk. Talk to people that you've lost. Talk out loud, because they hear you. And I do it all the time. Now I do it all the time. I always did it with my mom because I was so close to her, but I do it with my dad too. And there are some days where I have, like, a longer commute. I talk to every person I've lost. Just, I call out every person I've lost because I miss them, and it just makes me feel better. And I know they hear me. I know they hear me. And I want people to know that they hear you. Yeah, I think that that's important, that people understand that they hear you. And the other thing too is that they don't really, like inter like, they're not going to intervene when you need help. Like, a lot of times they want, I mean, they will, but like, they want you to ask for it too. You know, like, sometimes it's like, if I could just get some help, but nobody's here, or, like, feeling like you're alone, but then when you understand, like, you can ask them for help, and they're wanting you to ask them for help, and then that can support you as well. So I think sometimes it's easy. It's easy to feel like, Oh, I'm so alone. If only I had the people around, or they're still there. You can't see them, but ask them for help. They want you to. I love that, and that's true with angels, right? You have to ask, yes, yeah. It's like, and that's the thing. Like, they, I was reading where that's like, you know, if there's like, something like, major that's going to happen, they will intervene in order to prevent, you know, something really terrible. But like, if it's like, you know, I'm really struggling today, and I sure could use some help with whatever. You know, like it doesn't, it doesn't really matter, but just call on them and ask for it. I love that that you just recently started channeling an angel, right? Yes, Archangel Raphael, that sounds so intense to me. Tell me a little bit about that. Well, yeah, especially when I didn't know who Archangel Raphael was is. You know, I was like, yeah, so I'm not big on my Archangels. I don't think most people are like, oh yes. I remember. I was actually at a retreat about a year ago, and through that experience, there was a medium, the facilitator, she was a medium as well, and brought through that I could channel Archangel Raphael. And I'm like, Okay, well, what does that mean? And who is he, and what would that entail? You know, logical mind kicks in all sudden. Like, well, that sounds like a big deal. So I then learned that he's actually the Archangel of healing. So energetical, energetic, physical, mental, emotional, he can help with all areas of healing. So during that experience, I was like, Well, I guess let me try and see if I can do this. I don't really know what trying to channel artificial like, but let's give it a shot. And so I like, like, invited him in. And then I can really feel physically my body, like my arms were moving up, like really big wings. And then I started to talk in a voice that was not my own, which was really crazy, because I could hear it. But I was like, I've never heard this voice come out of my mouth before. And then what I was saying was, like, super interesting. Like, I was like, these are not Kristen's fine heart words. These are like, something else. And so there were a couple other women there, and so they, like, witnessed the whole thing. And one of them had, actually was a nurse, and had, like, her finger was kind of cut, and she knew that, like, she was going to need an antibiotic. Well, the next day, she came down and was like, Kristen, like, my finger is totally better. And she's like, there's no way that that would have gotten better on its own. And so I was like, wow. Well, that's pretty wild. So that's when I had, like, the first experience of it. I haven't really been able to like channel back in that same voice. Part of it's because, like, I felt like I was in a safe environment in order to, like, have that experience. It's a little bit different when I'm, like, sitting in my own apartment, like, All right, let's like, bring this angel through so different, right? There's something about being surrounded by like minded people, yeah, it's like, a little different, yeah, however, I am able to, like, channel his messages that comes through my own voice, however, and it rhymes a lot of times it rhymes. So that's how I know it's not me. I was so intrigued by that, yeah, it's kind of the craziest thing, because I sound like Dr Seuss all of a sudden, you know, speaking in rhymes like never in my life, if I even, like thought, I can put a rhyme together. Like, I'm definitely not a poet, and I know it, but that's so intriguing. And so that's kind of how, you know now too. Like, that's a distinctive quality of it, right? You know, right away, it's rhyming. It must be him, yeah. So, you know, I'll bring, like, again, I'll do the group work and bring these messages through that kind of speak to the audience. And then I will ask for people at the end of the experience, like, what did you experience? What some of the feedback, so I can start to understand, like, what's happening. And people will say, like, well, whatever you were talking about was like, so point on, I was like, thinking about that thing or something specifically. Or I'll have people say, like, I could feel like energy coming through my body, or, you know, so there's a lot of different things that people experience, and everybody's experience, and everybody's experience, of course, I believe is going to be different, because you don't know what is like the healing that they need in that moment. And then I've had things like, when I've worked one on one with people, I've seen things that have happened in their life that I wouldn't have known. And then I bring that information back at them and say, do you understand this? They're like, Oh yeah, you know. So it's very interesting to me. All of this is interesting. Well, I love that again. I just have this feeling like we just don't understand how everything's really connected. We don't but like, we can see as you you're doing your work that it really is, and we just, you know, it's just science that we don't really understand. It's. Just all connected. It's the way the universe works. And I love that you found this because this talk about a calling. This is your, you know, this is your calling. It's so special. And I, I'm just so glad that you're able to offer that because it's a gift. No, thank you, yes. And there's one other piece I should point out that Archangel Raphael also helps with travel. So if you ever get, like, nervous line, or, you know, you can call an Archangel Raphael, which, you know, ironically, of course, I'm a flight attendant and, like, was like, Oh, I love that. That's so neat. I love that. So is there anything else you would like my listeners to know that we we might have not mentioned, or, I think that one of the things that's important that I like to share with people is that if you have any, like inkling, nudge, whatever think that you might have, like a sense of intuitive ability, we all have it. It's like trusting it and leaning into it, so knowing that you have that as well. And you know, if I can come from a lawyer being very logical, to embracing channeling Archangel Raphael, like, you know what else is possible for everybody? So I just like to maybe say, like, maybe, if you have curiosity or a question, just maybe start to follow the breadcrumbs or tune into it because you don't know what it can lead to. I mean that never, never, never, never come what I am saying, like, Yeah, I'm going to channel an archangel. Like, you're just not in the realm of possibilities for me, just to do list, right? I've had a long one, that one. So can you tell us how to get in touch with you? I'll put it in the show notes, but I want to, some people don't read the show notes, so I just want to make sure we include, like, how to get in touch with you. Sure, I am now, I've just changed it to this, because it's, it really resonates with me, the flying on Instagram, the flying medium, and also that's the flying as well. So I have a couple different ways to get in touch with me, but yeah, thank everybody for listening today. That is so perfect. Thank you so much. I just I love talking to you. Thanks. See you too.

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